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Andres Moreno

I'm Andres Moreno, Principal Software Engineer at Tyler Technologies. I focus on serverless techonology in AWS

How to Run the JavaScript AWS SDK Locally

Learn how to setup locally to run the AWS SDK using SSO and named profiles

3-Minute Read

Engineers working in laptops

When using Access Keys I got used to setting the default profile in my credentials file and it worked just fine. When I began having to manage more accounts and switched to SSO, updating the default profile becomes more of a pain. I will show you a couple of ways to authenticate the SDK using named profiles.

Add Authentication to Portman API tests

Testing secure APIs through automation can be a pain. Thankfully Portman provides an easy way to include authentication in your test automation.

4-Minute Read

Portman CLI

When creating an API you want to have security to avoid bad usage and incurring cost by unintended use. Whenever we add a security layer to our APIs any automation that we have around it automatically becomes more complex. Portman provides ways to configure authentication to be used when it runs. In this post we will configuring Portman to successfully run against our secure API.

Get better API testing by using Portman

Automate your API tests by using your OpenAPI definitions.

6-Minute Read

Portman CLI

With the rise of spec-driven API development, more tools are being created that allow the use of an OpenAPI definition to design, test and validate your APIs. One tool that was recently brought to my attention is Portman which is an API testing library that makes it easy to ensure your APIs are reliable while keeping your documentation in sync with the API definition.

Stop using your AWS Account root user

Really, stop it! You are putting your account at risk.

3-Minute Read


When you create a new AWS account it will create a root user with the email and password used to create it. The simplest thing to do is to use that user for everyday tasks. We will be looking at why you shouldn’t do that and the configuration necessary to secure your account.

How to build a Serverless API in AWS without using a single lambda

Learn what is needed to build a Lambdaless API using AWS API Gateway, DynamoDB, OpenAPI and CloudFormation.

8-Minute Read

Computer Screens

A common way people build serverless APIs is by routing an API Gateway request to an AWS Lambda. This will make another request to a different AWS Service. It often goes unnoticed that API Gateway can integrate with other AWS Services without the need of Lambda.

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